The Robots.txt File: Creation, Purpose, and Best Practices


When it comes to optimizing a website for search engines, a crucial but often overlooked tool is the robots.txt file. A correctly configured robots.txt can significantly improve the way search engine bots interact with your site, enhancing your website’s SEO performance. In this blog post, we’ll explain what the robots.txt file is, why it matters for SEO, and how you can create one for your own site.

The Robots.txt File

Understanding Robots.txt

What is Robots.txt?

The robots.txt file is a simple text file located in the root directory of your website. It tells web robots, commonly known as crawlers or spiders, which pages on your site to crawl and which ones to ignore.

The Role of Robots.txt in SEO

In terms of SEO, robots.txt files serve two main functions. First, they can help prevent your site from being overloaded by requests from bots, improving your site’s performance. Second, by controlling which pages bots crawl, robots.txt files can help ensure that search engines are only indexing the most relevant and useful content from your site.

Creating a Robots.txt File

Creating a robots.txt file is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open a Text Editor

You can use any plain text editor like Notepad, Sublime Text, or TextEdit to create a robots.txt file. It’s crucial not to use a rich-text editor like Microsoft Word, as they can add extra formatting that can make the robots.txt file unreadable for bots.

Step 2: Write Your Instructions

Robots.txt files use a specific syntax to communicate with web robots. Here’s what a simple robots.txt file might look like:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /private/
Disallow: /test.html

In this example, the User-agent: * line is a directive that applies to all bots (the asterisk is a wildcard that means “all”). The next two lines tell all bots not to crawl any URLs that start with “/private/” or “/test.html”.

Step 3: Save and Upload the File

After writing your instructions, save the file as robots.txt. Then, upload it to the root directory of your website. The robots.txt file must be located at to be recognized.

Best Practices for Robots.txt Files

While creating a robots.txt file is simple, there are some best practices you should follow to avoid common mistakes:

  • Don’t Block All Bots: Unless you want your site to be completely invisible to search engines, never disallow all bots from your entire site.
  • Be Specific with Disallow Directives: Only disallow access to the specific directories or pages that you don’t want indexed.
  • Use the ‘Allow’ Directive when Necessary: If you’ve disallowed a directory but want to allow a specific file within that directory to be crawled, you can use the ‘Allow’ directive.
  • Remember to Test your robots.txt File: You can use tools like Google Search Console’s Robots Testing Tool to ensure your robots.txt file is working as expected.


The robots.txt file might be small and simple, but it plays a vital role in your website’s SEO performance. By telling search engine bots which parts of your site to crawl and which to ignore, you can control the indexing of your site, enhance your site’s performance, and ultimately, improve your SEO rankings. As with all aspects of SEO, remember that getting the most out of your robots.txt file requires a well-thought-out strategy and regular monitoring.

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